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The Mind Blog

Written by Michelle Witte

ADHD Adult Quiz: Could I have ADHD?

Writer's picture: masteringyourmindcbtmasteringyourmindcbt


For each statement, please indicate how true it is by circling the number that best represents your experience.




1. Impulsivity Issues:

   I often deal with impulsivity issues, such as: 

A)     Overspending: I can get carried away when shopping and buying things I don’t need.

           1-Not true at all

           2-Sometimes true

           3-True most of the time

           4-True all the time


  B)  Drinking or eating in excess: I can get carried away when I go out drinking and I drink until I am drunk. I can get carried away when eating, and I eat to the point of sickness. It can be either/or both.

        1-Not true at all

       2-Sometimes true

       3-True most of the time

      4-True all the time




C)  Driving dangerously or engaging in road rage: I can get so emotional when driving that I can make unsafe decisions or engage in angry exchanges with other drivers.

   1-Not true at all

   2-Sometimes true

   3-True most of the time

     4-True all of the time


 D)  Gambling excessively: I can get carried away when engaging in gambling and have a hard time walking away.

  1-Not true at all

 2-Sometimes true

 3-True most of the time

    4-True all the time


 E)  Risky sexual behavior or frequently entering and exiting relationships: I fall in love fast with someone and move too fast in the relationship and then get bored and break up with them. I can become sexual with people I don’t know well.

  1-Not true at all

  2-Sometimes true

 3-True most of the time

    4-True all the time







2. Time Blindness

 A)  I frequently experience issues with time awareness, such as feeling frozen or unable to act because I have an appointment or deadline later in the day.  For example: If I have an appointment at noon, I can’t do anything until that appointment ends.

  1-Not true at all

  2-Sometimes true

  3-True most of the time

     4-True all the time


B) I am frequently late for appointments, classes, or work.

  1-Not true at all

  2-Sometimes true

  3-True most of the time

    4-True all the time



3.  Organization 

  A)  I struggle with organization, leading to clutter, frequently losing items, and feeling angry if others move my belongings. 

    1-Not true at all

    2-Sometimes true

    3-True most of the time

       4-True all the time




4. Focus on Uninteresting Tasks

 A)  I have significant difficulty focusing on tasks or projects that I find uninteresting.  For example: I find it hard to pay attention in business meetings when they are talking about subjects that don’t interest me.

    1-Not true at all

    2-Sometimes true

   3-True most of the time

      4-True all the time


5. Initiating vs. Completing Tasks 

   A) I often want to start many tasks but have trouble completing them. 

  1-Not true at all

 2-Sometimes true

 3-True most of the time

   4-True all the time


6. Overwhelm with Assignments

  A)  I feel overwhelmed when trying to focus on assignments or projects that I know I need to complete. 

  1-Not true at all

  2-Sometimes true

  3-True most of the time

    4-True all the time





7. Restlessness 

 A)  I frequently feel unsettled and have a strong urge to move when I am required to stay seated or in one area. 

     1-Not true at all

     2-Sometimes true

    3-True most of the time

      4-True all the time


8. Emotional Sensitivity 

   A) I experience emotional shifts without notice and can feel others' emotions around me

  1-Not true at all

 2-Sometimes true

 3-True most of the time

   4-True all the time


9. Crisis vs. Routine Tasks 

  A)  I perform well in emergencies but become overwhelmed with everyday tasks and responsibilities. 

     1-Not true at all

    2-Sometimes true

    3-True most of the time

      4-True all the time


10. Healthy Habits

   A) I have a hard time creating and maintaining healthy habits in my daily life. 

  1-Not true at all

2-Sometimes true

3-True most of the time

   4-True all the time


11. Overthinking Simple Tasks 

   A)  I often think a lot about the steps needed to complete simple tasks, which makes them harder to start.  For example: Going in the shower, grocery shopping, meeting friends

    1-Not true at all

    2-Sometimes true

    3-True most of the time

       4-True all the time


12. Sensory Overload

   A)  I experience sensory overload, which includes sensitivity to: 

    - Light 

    - Loud noises that I didn’t initiate 

    - Taste and texture of certain foods 

    - Clothing textures and tags that bother me 

    - Strong smells 

    1-Not true at all

   2-Sometimes true

   3-True most of the time

     4-True all the time





- Total the scores from each question.

- Higher scores (above 30) may indicate a higher likelihood of ADHD-related symptoms.

- Please consider discussing your results with a qualified healthcare provider for a comprehensive assessment.



This quiz is not a diagnostic tool but rather a self-assessment to highlight areas of difficulty that may warrant further evaluation.

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